• Become a Patron

Support Devas Club: Become a Patron

Empower the Next Generation

At Devas Youth Club, we believe that every young person deserves the chance to shine. Our mission is to provide a safe and inspiring environment where youth can develop their skills, build confidence, and realise their full potential. As a patron, you can play a crucial role in making this vision a reality.

Why Support Devas Club?

For over 140 years, Devas Youth Club has been a cornerstone of the South London community, offering life-changing programs and services to children and young people. From after-school activities and youth clubs to music studios, sports teams, and mentoring programs, we provide opportunities that empower youth and foster positive development.

How You Can Make a Difference

Your support as a patron will enable us to continue and expand our work, providing more young people with the opportunities they need to succeed. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Fundraising: Host events, participate in sponsored activities, or create online campaigns to raise funds for Devas Youth Club. Every effort, big or small, helps us to reach more young people.

  • Donations: Contribute through one-time or recurring donations. Your financial support directly funds our programs and services, making a tangible difference in the lives of young people.

  • Corporate Sponsorship: Partner with us as a corporate sponsor. This can include financial contributions, in-kind donations, or providing volunteers for our events and programs.

  • Legacy Giving: Consider leaving a legacy gift in your will. This lasting contribution will help ensure that Devas Youth Club can continue to serve future generations.

Contact us for more information on how to become a Patron.